
Facts That Astound

Hummingbirds are unable to walk or hop on their tiny feet. Maybe that’s because they don’t need to. That evolutionary adjustment facilitates their flight efficiency.

Incredibly, they can hover, then fly forward (at 30 miles per hour with an occasional burst at 60) and backward. In fact, they can soar to the left, right, or even upside down!

What’s more, their hearts beat at an astounding rate of 1200 times per minute.  And their wings can flap from 50 to 200 times per minute. They sound like tiny motors that drone while their stunning feathers display beautiful iridescent hues.

Calories? What Calories?

Surprisingly, they only consume 3.14-7.6 calories per day. However, because they are so small and bear the approximate weight of a penny, that is equal to 155,000 calories a day in human terms.

No wonder they are a birdwatcher’s favorite. My husband mounts hummingbird feeders at a considerable height—avoiding aggressive squirrel invasions—so I can enjoy this pastime every spring and summer.

Impossible Redefined

Yes, these birds are as “impossible” as they are eye-catching. They make no sense. They are outrageously wondrous. Their capabilities exceed the limits our brains can grasp.

Not only that, but they inspire. Why? Because they remind us that miraculous creatures exist and incredible phenomena occur.

About Those Limiting Thoughts

Simply stated, it is your thoughts that limit possibilities. In other words, you often carry these over into your daily decision-making.

You might think oh, there’s only so much I can do. There are only so many ways I can fight injustice, results I can expect out of my day, or accomplishments I can claim with any degree of confidence.

Yet these are all distortions. The truth is, God empowers you every day to do so much more than you think you can.

As indicated previously, you should take your cues from nature. You are surrounded by phenomena that defy all the scientific laws and probabilities; yet, they occur.

Look Around You

Even in school, you learned this: aerodynamically speaking, the bee cannot fly. Yet you disproved the teaching with your own observations.

Occasionally, you watch bees fly with ease to pollinate flowers, construct architectural masterpieces known as hives, and produce some of the sweetest nectar on earth in the form of honey.

In other words, there goes the theory of what the bee can and cannot do. Lesson: You should stop limiting others and yourself with limiting beliefs.

This is something I work on every day. Sometimes it’s quite a challenge.

Not All Challenges Benefit You

There is a reason many people enjoy a challenge. But let’s be clear: I’m not referring to death-defying stunts that place people in needless jeopardy.

For example, I might appreciate the opportunity to stretch myself just a little further to see how well I can solve a problem or whether I can emerge with a new triumph to celebrate.

Curiosity Helps You Stretch

Science contends that you were made to be curious about, and reach for, a creator—an intelligent power whose capacities far exceed your own. And to see just what that higher power can produce in your life. A natural curiosity drives your desire to take part in that.

So stay curious! And remember my Ebony Jazzed class is one tool that allows you to discover and delve into your capabilities. Speaking of which…

Seminar Update

Here’s a brief report on my last Relaxation/Stress-relief Seminar. The June 25 participants reported that they enjoyed themselves and derived significant benefits from the session.

If you’re one of the people who attended the seminar, please share your experience with potential attendees by placing a comment in the box below.

Seriously, it is amazing what your mind can do when it is freed from the duress of a stressful event, day, or week. And when engagement in imaginative play replaces stress or panic, new avenues along your life path just might present themselves.

Another Free Session Ahead

My next Relaxation/Stress-Relief Seminar is scheduled for Friday, July 9.  Put that date on your calendar. Here’s the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/87247532945.

As stated previously, the relaxation session allows you to unwind from the week. You can focus on taking care of yourself for that precious hour and realize what you are capable of. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to experience a taste of what my Ebony Jazzed holistic wellness course is about.

So do yourself a favor. Carve out that hour and plan to join us on Friday, July 9 at 6:00 PM. As usual, please join us around 5:45 PM to test the stability of your Zoom connection.

See you then!

In the meantime, may you be holistically blessed.


Audubon New Mexico. “Colibrís, Picaflores (Spanish), Hummingbirds in New Mexico”, nm.audubon.org/news, May 2021, https://nm.audubon.org/news/colibr%C3%ADs-picaflores-spanish-hummingbirds-new-mexico

Accessed 2 July 2021.