
There’s a Ton of Things I Still Have to Learn!

Because of the work I do in the area of wellness, I would like to know how you feel about what I share with you. Would you like more encouragement? More resource links? Is there another kind of support I can offer you? What about more inspirational quotes from famous people you know and respect? Let me know in the comments below.

I heard about a recent study that determined that people over 50 actually had better focus and learned new things more quickly than some of their younger counterparts. I wasn’t surprised; I’m constantly learning from everyone—including the women I share my information with.

But that’s what’s makes life exciting—the constant opportunity to grow and improve my life (and hopefully those of my loved ones) whenever I acquire new and interesting facts.

So tell me, impromptu teachers—what brief fact have you gathered lately that you would love to share with me and the others in our group?